Transform Your Appearance With Cosmetic Dental Services

Beyond enhancing your outward appearance, a beautiful smile can boost your confidence and positively impact your personal and professional relationships. Whether you’re looking to brighten your teeth, correct imperfections, or completely make over your smile, our team is ready to help. Your dentists understand the importance of delivering exceptional results with every treatment.

Our team has the expertise and technology to bring your dream smile to life. Dr. Rose and Dr. Hayden bring extensive education and expertise to every procedure. Dr. Hayden is a graduate of the Kois Center, which offers advanced training to dentists.

In addition, your dental team prioritizes your comfort with relaxing amenities like a blanket or a warm beverage. You can also opt for sedation to ensure a stress-free experience. Plus, advanced technology such as digital scanners and 3-D X-rays provides efficient and precise treatments.

Based on your goals, you may consider services such as:

  • Teeth Whitening You can choose either in-office or at-home whitening. You’ll experience a brighter and more radiant smile, with results that beat drugstore products.
  • Dental Veneers Revamp your smile with custom-made veneers that correct imperfections and enhance the appearance of your teeth. They can last for decades with good oral care routines.
  • Tooth Bonding – Boost the appearance of your chipped, cracked, or otherwise flawed teeth with dental bonding. Results can last for several years.
  • Botox – Smooth fine lines and wrinkles to improve facial aesthetics with Botox treatments. This procedure is administered by our skilled dentists. You can incorporate your treatments into your regular dental checkups!
  • Gummy Smile Treatment – Your dentist can correct a gummy smile by using advanced techniques, such as laser tissue removal or Botox. You’ll have a more balanced appearance when you smile.
  • Smile Makeover Your smile makeover includes a comprehensive planning process. So that you feel confident moving forward, you can preview your results with digital scans, wax-ups, and trial smiles. We’ll help you restore your former smile or create the brand-new smile you’ve always wanted.

Call 503-446-6919 to meet with your cosmetic dentist in Tigard. You can also ​​schedule online. Appointments as early as 7 a.m. are available.